Data is a core aspect of the City operations. This AD has the potential to benefit City staff and the public by making the data accessible. The goal is that every City Department within the City of Dallas will make data available to the public, subject to regulations. As demonstrated by Federal, State and Local data initiatives, data from the City of Dallas can contribute to the effectiveness of internal government operations and also provide a fuel to local innovators to create new products, services, and even new businesses. By engaging entrepreneurs inside and outside of government, this approach will serve as the foundation of a new platform for civic innovation. The ultimate benefactors of this AD will be city departments, non-governmental organizations, academia, industry (including software developers) and members of the public who are interested in or have a specific use for government data. The purpose of this AD shall be carried out with due regard for the efficiency of City operations, and for the safety, security and privacy of its residents and those persons or organizations it holds information about.