The parcels represented in this feature servicewere identified by the GIS staff with Sustainable Development and Construction from a database query meeting the following criteria from Dallas County tax records:Total Value > Total Owed where Total Owed is the sum of non-paving leans, taxes, and interest minus the amount paid. Taxes were selected from jurisdictions 1208,1031,1021,1002,1102, and 1041. Taxes owed for 5 or more not necessary sequential years.Parcels spatially intersecting zoning 'CA-1(A) ', 'CA-2(A) ', '’CR', 'GO(A) ', 'GR', 'LO-1', 'LO-2', 'LO-3', 'MC-1', 'MC-2', 'MC-3', 'MC-4', 'MO-1', 'MO-2', 'MU-1', 'MU-1 (SAH) ', 'MU-2', 'MU-2(SAH) ', 'MU-3', 'MU-3(SAH) ', 'NO(A) ', 'NS(A) ', 'O-2', 'P(A) ', 'RR', 'WMU-3', 'WMU-5', 'WMU-8', 'WMU-12', 'WMU-20', 'WMU-40', 'WR-3', 'WR-5', 'WR-8', 'WR-12', 'WR-20', 'WR-40', and 'RTN' for commercial and 'A(A)' , 'R-1/2ac(A)' , 'R-10(A)' , 'R-13(A)' , 'R-16(A)' , 'R-1ac(A)' , 'R-5(A)' , 'R-7.5(A)' , 'D(A)' , 'CH' , 'MF-1(A)' , 'MF-1(A)(SAH)' , 'MF-2(A)' , 'MF-2(A)(SAH)' , 'MF-3(A)' , 'MF-4(A)' , 'MH(A)' , 'TH-1(A)' , 'TH-2(A)' , 'TH-3(A)' ) OR PD_NUM ='595' for residential.Census tracts and council districts were found by spatially joining the candidate parcel to EGIS provided datasets. Note that if more than one spatial join is found, only the first value is kept.An Excel spreadsheet containing the data set meeting this criteria was brought into ArcMap, the records were joined to AccountPoints2018.shp that can be found at: \\fsgis00\Vector\GIS_Data\TaxAppraisal\AccountPoints2018.shpThe resulting feature was queried to only include parcels that have a width of greater than or equal to 40 feet and a depth greater than or equal to 100 feet.The resulting features of the query were spatial joined to Revitalization Strategy Areas (RSA) with the name and type of the RSA appended to parcels that are within an RSA.Field DescriptionsAccountID = Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD) unique IDSiteAdddrNu = address numberSiteStreet = address streetResCom = R is residential, C is commercial property typeBldgClass = type of property development, defined on DCAD website ( = type of property, defined on DCAD website ( = name of reinvestment strategy areaRSA_Type – type of reinvestment strategy area