City of Dallas Open Data Policy

Office Of Data Analytics and Business Intelligence | May 7, 2021


The City of Dallas is committed to sharing the data with the public. Timely, consistent, and convenient access to public data is an essential component of a transparent and effective government. The City of Dallas recognizes that while transparency builds trust, failure to protect privacy erodes trust. The Office of Data Analytics and Business Intelligence is responsible for and committed to making data accessible to the public, while protecting privacy and sensitive data.


The purpose of this policy is to define the City’s procedures for the regular release of public data and to aid in determining which data sets should be made public, how to make them public, and how to maintain them. By making its data available online, the City will:
  1. Foster government transparency.
  2. Protect sensitive data and prevent its release.
  3. Enhance coordination and efficiencies among City departments and partner organizations.

Guidance on Publishing Data

City departments should try to publish all appropriate data of public interest, unless:
  • the information is sensitive
  • the information contains Personally Identifiable Information
  • the information contains Critical Infrastructure Information
Higher-risk types of data such as these should be designated “For Official Use Only,” and should not be published. These rules are designed to ensure the safety and welfare of the public, the City, and its programs.
Departmental Open Data should only be published by a department employee who has been designated and trained by the Office of Data Analytics & Business Intelligence. Data should be published using the Socrata platform, and must be accompanied by the required metadata, and data dictionary in accordance to the Open Data Standards.