About Dallas OpenData

Welcome to Dallas OpenData!

The City of Dallas is committed to transparency and accountability. Whether you are an inquiring citizen or a software developer, Dallas OpenData is an invaluable resource for anyone to easily access data published by the City. By providing key metrics, Dallas OpenData acts as a bridge between you and the City. Instead of going through a formal process to request information, you are able to instantly review, compare, visualize, analyze and share your data discoveries!
Interested in how your city is performing? Want to effectively collaborate with policymakers and service providers? We invite you to explore the continually growing datasets to help make Dallas a more accessible, transparent and collaborative community.

We hope that Dallas OpenData proves to be a valuable resource for those seeking to improve governance, public services and the quality of life in Dallas.

Getting Started

The Dallas OpenData platform provides users with a robust platform to explore the City's datasets. Learn to Filter, Sort and Create visualizations from your favorite datasets.

App Developers

There's an easy-to-use API for every dataset. Add Dallas OpenData to your applications. Learn to query and find libraries and SDKs for popular programming languages and platforms.